Looking Back on 2017
With the end of the year just around the corner, I again dedicated the very last post of the year to a quick summary. I'm sharing top six most read posts, then six posts of my choice that I worked extra hard on and feel most proud of, and in the last part I share posts from other bloggers I most enjoyed or I feel they should be shared. This was my seventh year of blogging and it's the year that I noticed a big decline in interest in blogs. It's not just my readership that plummeted, I also recently realised that about 2/3 of blogs I'm subscribed to haven't been updated in a long time. Sad, but that's the reality of blogging now. People read less and less of them. However, a lot of the beauty content moved to social media, especially Instagram Stories and it's where I get a lot more engagement than here. I wrote in my last such post that I plan to buy a m.Zuiko 45 mm lens for my camera and I never properly updated you, but I got it and it's the best in...